Entries by Glenn Hyman

Dr. Glen Hyman’s Denver Chiropractic Center: Whiplash Self-Care: Part 1

  Whiplash is a condition that can occur from MANY causes – in fact, anything that results in a sudden change in the head/neck position. Usually, there is a rapid acceleration that injuries the soft tissues around the neck area by stretching them beyond their limits. Hence, the more accurate terms for whiplash are, “cervical […]

Denver Chiropractic Center’s 1-Page Health News May 12, 2014

85 degrees last Sunday, 32 degrees yesterday, supposed to be 90 next Sunday- gotta love spring time in the Rockies! We hope all of you moms had a great Mother’s Day. Here is this week’s 1-Page Health News… Diet: Green Tomatoes Could be the Answer to Bigger, Stronger Muscles. Tomatidine, a compound in green tomatoes, […]

Dr. Glenn Hyman’s Denver Chiropractic Center’s 1-Page Health News

Once again the 1-Page Health News is chock full of good stuff, like how marijuana affects the brain, germs on cutting boards, food poisoning in restaurants, and more!   Even Casual Marijuana Use Changes the Brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brains of young adults who use marijuana at least once a week […]

Exercise: Endurance Sports Make Muscles & Nerves Fit.

While researchers have long known that endurance sports improve the condition and fitness of muscles, new research shows that these athletes also experience enhanced communication between the nervous system and those muscles. Nature Communications, April 2014

Research Supports Chiropractic Care.

Commentary by Dr. Scott Halderman of the Department of Neurology at the University of California, Irvine in response to an evidence report on the effectiveness of manual therapies, including spinal manipulation: “There was a time, not long ago, when there was little or no evidence to support the practice of manipulation that is the mainstay […]

Protein Followed by Exercise Leads to More Effective Calorie Burning.

A new report finds that women who consume a high-protein meal before moderate exercise burn calories more effectively than women who exercise on an empty stomach. Study author Dr. Ashley Binns writes, “We found that with exercise, there is a trend for a continued increase in caloric expenditure with higher protein consumption. Additionally, the consumption […]

Chiropractic: More Cost-Effective.

Considering effectiveness and cost together, chiropractic care for low back and neck pain is highly cost-effective and represents a good value in comparison to other treatments, including medical care. Mercer Health and Benefits, October 2009

Low back pain causes more global disability than any other health problem studied.

Low back pain is something that almost all people experience at some point in their lives. It is something common across sexes, age groups, countries, socioeconomic groups, education levels and occupation,” said Damian Hoy, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland’s School of Population Health, in Australia. “Back pain is the number one cause […]