Entries by Glenn Hyman

Denver Chiropractic Center’s Health News for You…

Courtesy of: Denver Chiropractic Center 1780 S Bellaire St #710 Denver, CO 80222 (303) 300-0424 “Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken.” ~ Neil Gaiman Mental Attitude: Advanced Math & Reading in Kindergarten Improves School Performance. Regardless of economic background, a new study finds that exposing kindergarteners to more challenging math […]

Health Alert: One in Five Older Americans Take Medications That Work Against Each Other.

More than 20% of medications prescribed to older adults interfere with medications they may be taking for other health concerns, possibly worsening one or more of the conditions for which they’re being treated. Some of the most common competing chronic conditions in which medications for one condition may exacerbate the other include hypertension and osteoarthritis; […]

Diet: The Five-Second Rule.

Researchers have found that the time food spends on the floor and type of flooring affects how many germs are transferred to the food we drop. They found that carpet was least likely to transfer germs, while solid surfaces increased the risk of germ transfer after five or more seconds. Furthermore, they surveyed individuals’ willingness […]

What Type of Doctor Should You See For Acute or Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever considered who is the best suited to treat back pain? Since there are so many treatment options available today, it is quite challenging to make this decision without a little help.To facilitate, a study looking at this very question compared the effectiveness between medical and chiropractic intervention. Over a 4-year time frame, […]

The 1-Page Health News, Courtesy of Denver Chiropractic Center April 1, 2014

Mental Attitude: Is Stress Contagious? A new report finds that not only do babies pick up on their mother’s stress but their bodies will also mimic physiological changes. Researchers found that when mothers were stressed and then reunited with their infant, the child quickly adopted his/her mother’s stress response, including a corresponding change in heart […]

Whom to choose: Chiropractic care vs. medical care for musculoskeletal problems, like low back pain.

Evidence from many trials and many research projects clearly demonstrates the superiority of chiropractic services over standard medical care and even traditional physical therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions: 1972 – Rolland A. Martin, MD, director of Oregon’s Workmen’s Compensation Program, “A Retrospective Study of Comparable Workmen’s Industrial Injuries in Oregon”: “Examining the forms […]

Chiropractic and Neck Pain in Children

Children have been treated by chiropractors for spinal problems ever since chiropractic was founded in 1895, and neck pain is no exception. Neck pain is surprisingly common in kids, though not quite as common as it is in adults, reaching a similar occurrence rate by age 18. Studies conducted in the United States and in […]

Health Alert: Maternal Use of Acetaminophen Increases Risk of Offspring Behavioral Disorders.

A Danish study suggests that children of mothers who used acetaminophen during their pregnancy are at greater risk of developing behavioral problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study involved about 64,000 children and their mothers and revealed that about 50% of mothers used acetaminophen during their pregnancy. Children of those mothers were […]

Does the Order of Cardio and Resistance Training Matter?

Fitness experts and researchers alike have long wondered whether the order of a workout routine matters when it comes to attaining maximum results. New information from an all-male participant study indicates that after six months, both groups (resistance first vs. cardio first) achieved statistically similar outcomes in physical performance and muscle development. European Journal of […]