Entries by Glenn Hyman

Diet: Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Increased with Higher Added Sugar Intake.

People who consume more than 21% of daily calories from added sugar have double the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality compared with people who consume less than 10% of their daily calories from added sugar. The risk almost triples for those who consume 25% of their daily calories from added sugar. The study authors […]

Chiropractic: Does Back Pain Go Away Without Treatment?

Chiropractic: Does Back Pain Go Away Without Treatment? In 1973, a self-described non-authority and non-researcher on back pain made a comment in a speech that would have long-lasting consequences for back pain sufferers. The speaker, whose last name was Dixon, made the following claim, “Of those who seek advice [for back pain] from their family […]

Denver Chiropractic Center- Just Two Treatments.

Nearly 200 adults with spinal pain were separated into two groups. One group received two chiropractic adjustments and the other received two sham adjustments so researchers could differentiate if results were the result of the adjustment itself or the expectation of treatment. Two weeks later, researchers assessed each group and found the adjustment group reported […]

Chiropractic Relieves Colic.

A recent study reveals that colicky infants were five times less likely to cry if they were treated with chiropractic manual therapy, and their crying time was reduced by about 50% under chiropractic care compared with infants who were solely medically managed. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, October 2012

What Kind of Headache Do I Have? (Part 2)

Last month, we discussed three types of headaches: Tension Headache (the most common), Cluster Headaches (a vascular headache – less common, short duration but REALLY painful), and Sinus Headaches. Migraine headaches were discussed the month before last. In keeping with the theme, ONE more headache type will be discussed: Rebound Headaches, followed by anti-inflammatory herbal […]

Chiropractic and the Common Cold

Chiropractic and the Common Cold             Chiropractic methods are utilized for many complaints, of which the majority of research-based evidence supports conditions related to the musculoskeletal system – that is, neck, back, upper and lower limb conditions. However, when applied to certain areas of the spine, spinal manipulation can have other beneficial effects that are […]

Whiplash Recovery

Exercise is an important part of whiplash treatment and is often overlooked by both patients and doctors. We will focus on several practical and effective exercises over the next several Health Updates. The first of this series can be called “brain exercises.” The following URL offers you a 37 page PDF of a booklet that […]

Chiropractic: Asymmetric Hip Mobility and Neck Pain.

Over three hundred freshmen college students underwent an examination of their hip joints and were asked whether or not they suffered from neck pain. The results showed that the young adults with asymmetrical hip mobility were nearly three times more likely to also suffer from neck pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, July 2013

Chiropractic: Suggested For Low Back Pain by the American Medical Association

An information article published by The Journal of the American Medical Association suggests patients consider chiropractic care as an option to treat low back pain. They also noted that back surgery is usually not indicated and should only be performed if other therapies fail. JAMA, April 2013 Copyright Denver Chiropractic Center