Entries by Glenn Hyman

This week’s 1-Page Health Newsletter

Dr. Stripling’s popular video series is back! This week he shows you the proper patterning for the bodyweight squat. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; if you lack the mobility to do a bodyweight squat, your back is going to get hurt. It’s never too late to start. Check out the video […]

Denver Chiropractic Center Weekly Health Update

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion” ~ Unknown . Mental Attitude: The Elderly and Facebook. Elderly adults who learned to use Facebook on a daily basis scored 25% better on tests measuring their cognitive abilities than their peers who did not. University of Arizona, February 2013 […]

Car accident injuries- how to avoid them, part 2

Last month, we discussed car safety features, proper headrest position, how to prepare for a crash, and to seek immediate treatment as ways to minimize the chances of suffering from whiplash in the event of an accident. Here are four more ways to avoid or minimize whiplash: PAY ATTENTION WHILE YOU DRIVE. Too often, we […]