Entries by Glenn Hyman

Miss Keri’s Bike Crash and This Week’s 1-Page Health News

Our awesome office manager Keri (my kids call her Miss Keri) was run off of the Cherry Creek bike trail and into a concrete half wall this weekend. Another cyclist was going too fast in the other direction, was too far over to his left, and basically forced Keri to choose between colliding with him […]

Neck Pain: Manipulation vs. Mobilization – What’s Better?

Does mobilization (MOB) get less, the same, or better results when compared to spinal manipulative therapy (SMT)? To answer this question, let’s first discuss the difference between the two treatment approaches. Mobilization (MOB) of the spine can be “technically” defined as a “low velocity, low amplitude” force applied to the tissues of the cervical spine […]

A weekend immersed in CrossFit Endurance & The 1-Page Health News For You

I (Glenn) am back in the office after a week stay-cation in Denver. We spent a day at the zoo, a day at the Rockies game, and I got a lot of riding and running in. Two weekends ago, I (Glenn) completed the CrossFit Endurance certification class in Fort Collins. It was a very interesting […]