Entries by Glenn Hyman

Shin splints, blueberries and This Week’s Health News For You.

Mental Attitude: Remember Zinc. For over 50 years, scientists have known zinc plays a vital role in the brain but were not quite sure what that role is. Now, researchers from the Duke University Medical Center and MIT have discovered that zinc regulates the communication between neurons in the hippocampus, where learning and memory processes occur. […]

The best Halloween Tip ever, and this week’s Health News for You

Here’s the best Halloween tip that I’ve ever heard. Anyone with kids knows that the worst thing about Halloween is the candy. The kids get instantly addicted to it and don’t stop asking for it for weeks after Halloween. A couple of years ago, a patient shared this idea with me. After the trick-or-treating is […]

Neck pain and Headaches – How we can help you at Denver Chiropractic Center

When you hear the term headache, you don’t usually think about the neck. Rather, you focus on the head, more specifically, “…what part of the head hurts?” But, upon careful questioning  and examination of our patients at Denver Chiropractic Center, we usually find some connection or correlation between neck pain and headaches. The key to […]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ergonomics

The word, “Ergonomics” is thrown around a lot when it comes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The term ergonomics comes from the Greek ergon, meaning “work”, and nomos, meaning “natural laws.” By definition, ergonomics means, “…the study of efficiency in working environments.” Wikipedia describes it as, “…the study of designing equipment and devices that fit […]

Weekly Health News for You 10/10/2011

Dr. Hyman is back in the office after taking a week off. He looks rested and is ready to see you! 4 members of our staff did the Denver Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon on October 9, here are their times: Dr. May 1:57 Keri B, Office Manager, 2:04 Dr. Stripling 2:04 Erin Young, LMT, […]

Low Back pain and Spondylolisthesis. How we can help you at Denver Chiropractic Center

Low back pain can arise from many conditions, one of which is a mouthful: spondylolisthesis. The term was coined in 1854 from the Greek words, “spondylo” for vertebrae and “olisthesis” for slip. These “slips” most commonly occur in the low back, 90% at L5 and 9% at L4. According to www.spinehealth.com and others, the most […]

Another weekly Health News For You – from Denver Chiropractic Center

While Dr. Hyman is on vacation this week, Dr. Stripling and Dr. May are in the office all  week if you need them! Remember, we have 3 fully certified Active Release chiropractors on staff! Mental Attitude: Attention & Self-Control. When thinking about being healthy, people were less likely to eat unhealthy foods, whether or not […]