Entries by Glenn Hyman

Bike fit at Retul was awesome!!!

 Here I am getting the bike fit at Retul today. Todd Carver spent an hour and a half with me. What a great experience. Check out www.retul.com . Thanks Todd!

Yes, I’m still training – 7/6/2010

Ok, as expected, I fell behind in the blogging about the training. I will catch it up, I promise. I took today off after a long weekend of mountain biking, swimming, and bricks. I’m off all this week, with a mountain bike race at Winter Park on Saturday 7/10. After that, it’s Xterra Beaver Creek (sport) […]

Training 5/18/2010

Today was supposed to be another run day, but my soleii (soleuses?) are sore on both sides from the barefoot (in the Evos) hills on Sunday. So I hit the Steve Cotter Floor Core #1 followed by Steve Maxwell’s 300 Kettlebell challenge. Still amazed at how great a workout that is.

Xterra Triathlon Training 5/17/2010

Time to do some upper body stuff today, as the legs are smoked from the weekend. P90x Upper +. It’s a great workout. Follow up with Steve Cotter Core workout.

Xterra Triathlon Training 5/16/2010

Run Day. 6 miles with hill repeats. I have a perfect little crushed gravel path that .66 miles from my house. About 300 feet of gain and exactly .75 miles from gate to gate. It’s lined with thorough bred horses. Maybe I’ll take a pic. Anyway, this is the longest I’ve gone in the Terra […]

Bike and swim- Xterra training 5/15/2010

F%$# F&^% F!@# After schlepping my Superlight down to Treads in parker to fix the ghost shifting problem, I now have a not-shifting problem in the back. So I bascially but in about 4 miles on a 3 speed and came home. Luckily, I couldn’t sell the Fisher 29er, so I’ll take that out on […]

Training 4/26/2010

Day off! But I’m still seeing 21 patients and then doing a talk for the Parker Tri Club. www.parkertriclub.com

4/25/2010 Triathlon training

Gotta make up for lost time today. Bike / Swim Day 60 mins on the bike (my 29er on the bike paths since the dirt is mud around here after 3 days of rain. Then off to the pool to do 800, broken up in to various 50’s and 100’s per Kathy Alfino’s instruction (www.milehighmultisport.com)

4/22/2010 – 4/24/2010

Weather here sucks, so I’m lifting the next 3 days. I’m gonna go Upper-Lower-Upper over the next 3 days. Steve cotter today and tomorrow and P90x Upper body  + on Saturday.

4/21/2010 Triathlon training

32:00 on the treadmill (barefoot). This treadmill is mis-calibrated, so it always tells me that I’m going slower than I actually am. I like that.