Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos get Active Release Techniques, and you can too…

Many of you know that Active Release Techniques was created and developed by my friend and mentor, Dr. Mike Leahy. Dr. Leahy has been on the Broncos staff since 2001, providing Active Release Techniques to all of the players. I had the good fortune to assist him at Dove Valley during the 2001 and 2002 seasons.

Anyway, when you watch the Broncos on any given Sunday (or this upcoming Saturday night), you just might see some players getting Active Release work done on the sidelines.

Here’s this week’s 1-page health newsletter:

Mental Attitude: I Can’t Remember. Older individuals’ complaints about memory lapses (such as trouble remembering recent events) may indicate they are experiencing cognitive problems that are greater than typical age- related changes. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is expected to rise in the United States as adults 65 and older are projected to double in number over the next two decades.  Clinicians are now incorporating cognitive screening tests as part of annual wellness visits for older people. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Nov 2011

Health Alert: Low-Dose Aspirin. The risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding needs to be considered when determining the potential preventive benefits associated with low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular disease and cancer. The risk is increased with the use of cardiovascular disease-preventing therapies. Low-dose aspirin is defined as 75 to 325 mg. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Dec 2011

Diet: Soda Consumption. The average American drinks 44.7 gallons of soda a year. That much soda weighs about 375 pounds! AdAge, Dec 2011

Exercise: Benefits For Breast Cancer Survivors. For breast cancer survivors, the benefits of exercise outweigh the risks, including those who develop lymphedema, a chronic swelling that commonly occurs after breast cancer treatment. Balance the pros and cons of the activity one chooses, but keep in mind that even remaining sedentary has risks and being active is beneficial in many ways, including possibly reducing the risk of cancer recurrence. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, December 2011

Active Release Technique (ART): The Functional Movement Screen. Sometimes the pain can be in one area, but the cause is in another. The Functional Movement Screen is a 7-move test that we use to help figure out what’s causing your problem. Then we use ART and corrective exercises to fix both the symptoms and the cause.

Wellness/Prevention: Cancer Prevention In Your 30s. One begins to lose muscle mass after age 30. Strength training can prevent muscle loss, build bone density and help the body burn calories faster to keep you at a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can help decrease the risk of cancer. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Nov 2011

Quote: “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives” Dan Zadra

Low Back Pain & Spinal Manipulation: How Does It Work?

For many years, Chiropractic has been at the forefront of treating low back pain (LBP) with both greater patient satisfaction and less lost time at work when compared to other non-surgical treatment approaches. There have been many explanations as to why chiropractic manipulation therapy (CMT) works but many of these studies include other treatment modalities or methods and the benefits are ,therefore, not clearly derived only from CMT.  A recent study has tried to clear this up and the results are very interesting!

This study included two chiropractors and two a physical therapists (PT) from Canada and the US. What is unique about this study is that they measured clinical or symptomatic improvement by tracking improvement in activity tolerance using a standard questionnaire commonly used by chiropractors and PTs all over the world, as well as changes in the spinal stiffness using a valid/reliable instrument before and after CMT was utilized. The importance of these findings is that only CMT was utilized and hence, other forms of treatment commonly utilized by chiropractors did not cloud the findings. There were 48 patients included in the study and the initial 2 treatments were administered 3-4 days apart, followed by an assessment 3-4 days after the 2nd treatment. Assessments were also performed before and after each treatment. The assessments included use of the questionnaire and a stiffness measurement using the special instrument. Also, “recruitment of the lumbar multifidus muscle” (a muscle in the low back that helps stabilize the trunk or core) was measured by ultrasound. After each treatment, significant improvement was found in the overall pain level and in reduced spinal stiffness (which remained improved 3-4 days after the last/second treatment).

The study conclusions revealed less pain, more activity tolerance and less spinal stiffness after the administration of the 2 treatments. The greatest clinical improvement was found in those who had the most dramatic reduction in stiffness after each treatment. They found that the level of muscle recruitment was directly related to the degree of spinal stiffness.  They also found that patients who received thrust manipulation (CMT) had immediate improvements with reduced pain, stiffness and improved muscle recruitment measurements. However, this same effect was NOT obtained when non-thrust mobilization techniques were used. This means many non-thrust manual techniques such as mobilization, massage, and other soft tissue release methods do not create the immediate benefits that were produced by thrust manipulation.

With this new information, we are now able to explain with confidence to patients the reasons why they typically feel better after the spinal adjustment. The patient can then appreciate receiving an answer that makes clear sense and has been “proven.” It’s important to realize that the “bonus” of receiving chiropractic care for low back pain includes not only just pain reduction, but more importantly, improvement in tolerating activities such as vacuuming, washing dishes, golfing, walking and of course, working.

We realize you have a choice in where you get your healthcare services.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for low back pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future. Call us at 303.300.0424

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Sleeping

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and noticed your hand sleeping to the point where you had to get out of bed and shake or flick your fingers to alleviate the numbness? If the numbness was primarily on the thumb-side half of your hand, it may have been carpal tunnel syndrome that woke you up. So, the question is, why is it such an issue at night?

To properly answer this question, let’s get familiar with the anatomy of the wrist.  There are 2 bones that make up the forearm – the ulna (on the pinky side) and the radius (on the thumb side). Just beyond that, there are two rows of four bones each called the carpal bones for a total of 8 small bones that make up the wrist joint. These carpal bones are arranged in a horseshoe or tunnel shape. When you look down at your wrist and wiggle your fingers quickly, you can see all the movement that occurs on the palm side of the wrist.  That’s a lot of movement!  You can also see the muscles on the upper half of the forearm moving rapidly as the fingers wiggle.

There are 9 muscle tendons that travel through the carpal tunnel, as well as some blood vessels and most important, the median nerve sits on top of all those moving tendons. Just beneath the floor of the tunnel is a ligament called the transverse carpal ligament. The tendons inside the tunnel are surrounded by lubricating sheaths that make it easier for the tendons to slide back and forth as we wiggle our fingers, grip to open a jar, type on a computer, play a musical instrument, or so on. Without the tendon sheaths, the friction between the rubbing tendons would quickly build up heat, resulting in swelling, pain and numbness.  However, in spite of the lubricating function of the sheaths, when we work our fingers and hands too much, swelling and inflammation does occur.

So, why do we have numbness at night when we aren’t working, gripping and moving our fingers repetitively? The answer lies in how we sleep. Since we are asleep, we cannot control where we position our hands and wrists. Most of us curl up in a ball and tuck our hands under our chin or someplace cozy.  Normally, when we bend our wrists, the pressure inside the carpal tunnel doubles. However, a carpal tunnel patient already has a higher level of pressure in their wrist. So, when a carpal tunnel patient bends their wrist in the exact same way, the pressure goes up even more – that is, 3, 4, 5, or more times than a normal person without their wrist bent. That is why a wrist “cock-up” splint works so well at night!  It keeps the wrist straight so you can’t bend it.  Often, this allows the CTS patient to sleep through the night instead of waking up 2, 3, or more times with numbness, tingling, and/or pain on the thumb half of the hand.

At Denver Chiropractic Center, we have extensive experience using Active Release Techniques to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. We release scar tissue in the muscles adjacent to the nerve, and can take the symptoms away by relieving the pressure of that nerve (the Median Nerve). Call us today to schedule your initial exam where we’ll tell you whether you’re a candidate for our treatment approach. 303.300.0424

We realize you have a choice in where you get your health care and we sincerely appreciate your trust in choosing our service for those needs.  If you, a friend or family member require care for CTS, we would be honored to render our services.

Low Back Pain & Scoliosis

Low Back Pain & Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that is shaped like a “C” or an “S” when looking at the person from behind. I’m sure you’ve noticed when you’re at a beach, at a swimming pool, or walking in an airport, some people have a high shoulder, walk with a bit of a limp if one leg is short, and may have a shoulder blade that sticks out more than the other. Scoliosis often develops for unknown reasons (hence the term, “idiopathic”) during the adolescent age range between 10 or 11 years old and can progress, not change or less often, improve up to age 16 to 18. During these 4-6 years, the time when the adolescent is growing quickly, the curve often worsens without any intervention but few studies have looked at what types of treatment or combinations of treatment work the best, especially non-surgical methods.

A recent study was conducted that looked at the response to non-surgical treatment using conventional medical treatment (MT) vs. conventional MT plus chiropractic, as well as conventional MT and “sham” (fake) chiropractic treatment.  This is a pilot study using a small population of patients in order to determine if a larger scale study would be important to run (which was determined to be the case).

The conventional medical treatment approach included two groups – observation (a “wait and watch” approach) in a braced group verses a non-braced group. The chiropractic treatment group received spinal manipulation using “diversified technique” which is widely used where the patient is treated while lying on their stomach, sides, and back and the type of manipulation used was the thrust type where the “cracking” sound occurs (which is caused by the release of gas from the joint capsules and is technically called cavitation). This was applied to the regions determined by the chiropractor as requiring the treatment by using palpation (touch) methods, postural examination, range of motion, and x-ray and all chiropractors involved had 6-hours of training to assure consistent and similar approaches were used. Treatments were administered (determined by a survey of many chiropractors) at 3x/week for a month, 2x/week for a month, 1x/week for a month, and 2x/month for 3 months or as needed for a total of 6 months. The “sham” or fake chiropractic treatment used the same treatment frequency and similar positioning of the patient but purposely did not obtain a joint cavitation or “crack” but still seemed “real” to the patient.

The primary outcome used to determine “success” was a reduction of the scoliosis curve measured on x-ray at a 6-month point. Using the standard medical model, those with curves of 20-25 degrees require careful observation, curves 26-40 degrees are potential candidates for bracing, those greater than 40 degrees are potential candidates for surgery and, an increase in curve by more than 5 degrees measured twice a year or every 6-months is considered failure.

The results are interesting. Of those receiving only conventional medical treatment, none improved and one failed. The same occurred in the conventional MT plus sham/fake chiropractic. NO ONE failed and one improved in the chiropractic treatment plus MT group making it the only successful non-surgical treatment approach in the study. The preliminary findings from this study are huge! Chiropractic treatment in this group of adolescent children was determined to be THE ONLY non-surgical approach that had the ability to maintain (not allow the curve to progress) or even better, improve the curve!

At Denver Chiropractic Center, we work with many patient who have scoliosis. We combine Active Release Techniques to release tight soft tissues, chiropractic adjustments to increase spinal mobility, and physical therapy exercises to help retrain the nervous system. Call us today to see how we can help. 303.300.0424

We realize you have a choice in where you get your healthcare services.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for low back pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.

Denver Chiropractic Center Weekly Health News For You

Have you ever noticed that you seem to drag during November and December? Well, there’s a reason for this. As the days get shorter and you get less time in the sun, your brain produces less Serotonin, the feel good brain chemical. The result is usually a little fatigue, less energy than normal, and the annoying urge to eat sugar. This is why many of us gain weight this time of year.

The best defense is to essentially go with the flow. Cut yourself some slack, try not to totally cave in to it, and know that soon the days will start getting longer (December 22). Try to get outside for a walk or run at least 3 times a week, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. Try getting to the slopes or going out for some Nordic fun – snowshoeing or cross country. Open up those blinds and let the daylight in. It’ll help.

Mental Attitude: Commuting To Work Is Bad For Your Health! Spending hours each day behind the wheel or crammed in a public train or bus, commuting to and from work is bad for your health. Those who commuted reported more everyday stress, exhaustion, missed work days and generally poorer health. Those with longer commutes reported even worse health. Duke University, Oct 2011

Health Alert: Under Construction! Nearly all construction workers will experience one or more work-related injury or illness over a lifetime, plus a greater risk of premature death. Over a 45-year career, a construction worker has a 75% chance of a disabling injury, and a one in 200 chance of being fatally injured on the job. An individual who begins construction work at the age of 20 has a 15% chance of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and an 11% chance of developing dust-related parenchymal chest X-ray changes. Center for Construction Research and Training, Oct 2011

Diet: Strawberries & Stomach Ulcers. Scientists discovered strawberry consumption might help reduce and or slow the formation of stomach ulcers caused by alcohol consumption, viral infections and nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory medications, like aspirin and ibuprofen. Plos One, Oct 2011

Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise helps speed recovery from chemotherapy treatments, increases the ability to supply blood to the skin for cooling and increases the thickness of the cartilage in your joints. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Wellness/Prevention: Cranberry Juice vs. Cranberry Extracts. Cranberries have been recognized for their health benefits for years, especially in preventing urinary tract infections. However, it was found that drinking actual cranberry juice is much more effective in preventing a Urinary Tract Infection than simply consuming cranberry extracts. Food Science and Biotechnology, Oct 2011

Active Release: Posture and mobility. Do you ever catch yourself all hunched over, briefly horrified by your won bad posture? Recent research by Gray Cook from Functional Movement Screens points to poor posture and mobility of the thoracic spine as a contributing source of many problems- from hamstring injuries to back pain to headaches. We can help you with that. Active Release, spinal adjusting and rehab can all be used to improve posture and spinal mobility. If you have chronic back pain, we can help you. Give us a call: 303.300.0424

Thanks For Reading!

Denver Chiropractic Center


Dr. Glenn Hyman

Dr. Jeff Stripling

Low back pain – why patient education is a part of how Denver Chiropractic Center can help you.

Low Back Pain & Patient Education

Patient education is a very important aspect of caring for our patients. In fact, it can be one of the most important aspects of care. For example, when patients present with a brand new injury and pain levels are off the map, it’s quite common for that acute suffering patient to inappropriately think that, “I’m going to die… this hurts so much!” Hence, one of the very first things we do as chiropractors is to determine what structures are generating the pain so we can tell you!

Once you have an understanding of where the pain is coming from and why it hurts so bad, then you can be reassured that it’s not life threatening or dangerous. Also, at this acute point of time, the patient often unknowingly puts heat on the back, often for hours. This is the WORST thing you can do as the area is already swollen and putting heat on a swollen area draws more blood and fluids into the area. It’s literally like throwing gas on a fire. So, receiving proper information from us such as, put ice on the area for 15-20 minutes on and off several times in a row to “PUMP” the swelling out of the area will make complete sense.

Also, did you know that 2/3rds of our body’s weight is above the waist? That means, when a 150# person bends over, they are “lifting” 100#! That’s one of several reasons why bending over can be so dangerous. To “fix” that, squat by bending the knees keeping the back straight and keep objects that you might be lifting close to your body as that weight literally weighs 10x more when your arms are straight and you’re lifting. When you can’t squat and have to bend over, bend the knees, arch your back (literally “stick your butt out”), and bend over at your hip joints – DON’T use your back. You’ll need to practice that one a few times before it’s fully understood.

As your back pain improves, we will review these important self-help approaches and add new “tricks of the trade” like certain stretches, some strengthening and perhaps some balance exercises. Did you know that your thigh muscles shrink just by sleeping overnight? It’s true! When you wake up in the morning, your thigh muscles are smaller than when you went to bed. Well, this same muscle shrinkage (technically called “atrophy”) occurs in the lower back and hips, so strengthening exercises are REALLY IMPORTANT! Just think, if your muscles shrink overnight just from laying in bed, what about when you might have been told to use bed rest for several days or more? There potentially is a lot of muscle shrinkage and weakness that can occur in a relatively short amount of time and therefore, strengthening exercises also need to be taught in order to regain your strength so you can more safely do your activities.

Now what about back pain prevention? What methods to you think will help us NOT get low back pain? That’s right – managing weight! If your BMI (body mass index or, the ratio between your height and weight) is >25, you need to trim down a bit (or more). Go on line and SEARCH BMI, and pick one of many “BMI Calculators” to figure out your BMI. So, what do chiropractors know about weight loss?

Did you know the chiropractic college curriculum includes more nutritional courses than most medical schools? We will help you find a way to lose weight – whether its calorie restriction, a special diet like no/low salt, gluten-free, or a diabetes-specific diet. Another prevention trick for the low back (actually, whole body!) is to STAY FIT! Make aerobic exercise and even a light weight lifting program part or your daily ritual. Other methods help too, so come in and let us guide you in this journey to better health!

We realize you have a choice in where you get you healthcare services. If you, a friend or family member requires care for low back pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.

Weekly Health News for You…

Mental Attitude: That’s Life. Our life experiences (the ups, downs and everything in between) shape us, stay with us and influence our emotional set point as adults. By studying identical twins and monitoring them as their life paths diverged, researchers discovered life experiences are important influences on our levels of anxiety and depression. With diet, we say, “you are what you eat.”  This study shows “you are what you have experienced.” Virginia Commonwealth University, Oct 2011

Health Alert: Drunk Drivers! During the past year in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control estimates there were 112 million incidents of adults getting behind the wheel of their car while under the influence of alcohol. That’s 300,000 a day! These people put everyone on the road at risk. 11,000 people are killed every year in crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. CDC, Oct 2011

Diet: Thin Children? Children with thinner parents are 3 times more likely to be thin than children whose parents are overweight. When both parents were in the thinner half of the healthy-weight range, the chance of the child being thin was 16.2%, compared with 7.8% when both parents were in the upper half of the healthy weight range, 5.3% with two overweight parents, and only 2.5% for children with two obese parents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Sept 2011

Exercise: Vigorous Exercise. Men who perform vigorous exercise 3 times a week have a 22% lower risk of heart attack. Researchers believe the vigorous exercise results in higher HDL-C (“good” cholesterol) levels, known to lower the risk of heart disease. American College of Sports Medicine, Oct 2011

Chiropractic: Total Regeneration. According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., “98% of the atoms in your body were not there a year ago.” With that concept in mind, taking care of your body is essential as it is a constant state of regeneration. Through proper diet, regular exercise, getting enough rest, maintaining low stress levels and proper chiropractic care, you can give your body the best opportunity to be healthy and stay healthy.

Wellness/Prevention: Kids, Stay Thin! If your children are overweight or obese, their risk of having high blood pressure is almost three times higher than children at normal weight. Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, Oct 2011

Quote: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” ~ Bill Gates

Active Release Did you know? Dr. Hyman is still the only Active Release Techniques (ART) Instructor practicing in Denver. Dr. Hyman has been teaching students at ART seminars all over North America since 2002.

The Denver Chiropractic Center 5-minute guide to avoiding holiday weight gain (really).

I can hear you thinking it now : ”Oh man, another article on how to survive the holidays.” Yes it is. But this is one page that can actually make a difference. I promise.  I tried really hard to get all this onto one page.

The truth is that a lot of us gain 5-6 pounds over the holidays. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you have a broader strategy to avoid fattening up, you can cheat a little, enjoy yourself, and not have a flabby problem to start 2012. Here’s all you have to do, followed by a brief explanation of each.

1. Control the carbs.

If you’ve been reading the Weekly Health News for You emails we send out every week, you know that there’s a great research review out there called “What Make us Fat.” This book summarizes the last 100 years of weight loss research and shows pretty conclusively that excessive consumption of carbohydrates what produces excess body fat.

Mark Sisson, in the excellent book “The Primal Blueprint” takes this discussion further explaining that excess carbs produce excess insulin, and this in turn leads to increased fat storage. He suggests keeping carb consumption in the 100 – 150 grams per day to maintain weight. Stay closer to 100 to lose weight. Following this advice, I’ve lost almost 20 pounds of fat this year. Once a week I cheated and ate whatever the hell I wanted. But only once a week.

2. Get a heart rate monitor / Calculate your target zone (50-70% of your estimated max).

Sisson goes on to further explain that exercising in the aerobic zone, generally the easy cardio zone, burns more fat. To do this it’s best to get a heart rate monitor to stay within a target heart rate zone to burn fat. Training too hard burns carbs, and causes you to eat more after exercising.

Take 220- your age to estimate your max HR (or use one of the other newer formulas). Then multiply that number by .5 to get the bottom of your target range, and .75 to get the top. You can round off to make life easy

So for me, I use 40 as my age (I’m 42). 220-40=180. 180x.5 = 90, the bottom of my range, 180x.75= 135, the top of my range. So with my heart rate monitor, I try to stay between 90 and 135. This is my aerobic fat burning zone.

3.Try to get into the target zone 2 or 3 days a week for 45 mins to an hour, if possible, go outside.

In addition to working out with weights 2 or 3 times a week, try to get that low-level aerobic cardio in. Yes, you can do them on the same day if you want. And yes, you can go longer if you stay inside the zone. Try anything you can to get outside a little.

4.Read the books I mentioned in #1.

Think about ordering the books “What Makes Us Fat” by Gary Taubes and “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson. Together they’ll set you back no more than $30 (find them at Amazon.com). By reading these books during the holidays, you’ll have some motivation to avoid the chronic over-consumption of the wrong things that leads to holiday weight gain.

This will give you a reasonable strategy on which you can cheat a little and still fit in your pants on January 2nd.  There you have it. Give it a try. I know some of you will, and that’s great!

In chronological order: Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Healthy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

How our Denver Active Release Clinic (Denver Chiropractic Center) can help you stay healthy.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I know you’re busy, so I’ll get to the point. We’ll be in the office all week this week, but just Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9-Noon next week. Here’s this week’s health news for you:

Mental Attitude: More Vacations? Researches claim vacations help us recharge our batteries and perform at a higher level once we return to work. However, because the after-effects are short-lived, we should take trips more frequently in order to keep our levels of health and well-being high. The Psychologist, Aug 2011

Health Alert: Over Spending? Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine found $6.7 billion was spent in one year for unnecessary tests or prescribing unnecessary medications, with 86% of that cost attributed to the prescription of brand-name statins to treat high cholesterol. Archives of Internal Medicine, Oct 2011

Diet: Iron Man? The right amount of iron is needed for proper cell function, but too much may lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Men typically have more iron in their bodies than women, which may be why men develop these age-related neurodegenerative diseases at a younger age. (Younger women’s iron levels are thought to be lower because of menstruation.) To reduce iron levels: decrease over-the-counter supplements that contain iron, unless doctor recommended; eat less red meat; donate blood; and take natural iron-chelating substances that bind to and remove iron (such as curcumin or green tea). Neurobiology of Aging, Oct 2011

Exercise: Music To The Ears. Researchers found listening to music (in this case Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”) while exercising improved participants’ mental agility. The study’s author, Charles Emery, believes all types of music can produce a similar effect, no just classical. ABC News, April 2011

Brain Activity And Chronic Low Back Pain. A new imaging technique, arterial spin labeling, shows the areas of the brain that are activated when low back pain worsens in chronic pain patients. This is a first step towards objectively describing chronic pain, normally a subjective experience. When a patient has worsening of their usual pain, there are changes in the activity of the brain in the areas that process pain and mood. Anesthesiology, August 2011

Quote: “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali.

Active Release. How to stay healthy. Recent research has shown that chiropractic patients who receive monthly maintenance care have better treatment outcomes that last longer. While I have no formal studies to prove it, the many patients who come to see us for monthly ART sessions also seem to stay healthier. We can usually spot developing problems and get rid of them before they start causing pain.

Shin splints, blueberries and This Week’s Health News For You.

Mental Attitude: Remember Zinc. For over 50 years, scientists have known zinc plays a vital role in the brain but were not quite sure what that role is. Now, researchers from the Duke University Medical Center and MIT have discovered that zinc regulates the communication between neurons in the hippocampus, where learning and memory processes occur. Neuron, Aug 2011

Health Alert: Health Costs Rising! According to experts, healthcare spending will grow 6% each year through 2020. Researchers estimate that doctor visits, clinical services and prescription drugs will be the largest growth areas. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Diet: Where to Eat? As childhood obesity rises and the American diet shifts towards increasing consumption of foods eaten or prepared outside of the home, concerns about the nutritional quality and the total consumption of such foods are also increasing. Comparing measurements from 2006 to 1977, children now eat more calories every day (+179 kcal/day). This is associated with a major increase in calories eaten away from home (+255 kcal/day). The percentage of calories eaten away from home is now 33.9%. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Aug 2011

Exercise: Strong Arm Diabetes. Building muscle can lower your insulin resistance risk, thus lowering your chance of developing Type-2 Diabetes. Scientists have known for a while that low muscle mass raises the risk of insulin resistance; however, no study had attempted to figure out whether increased muscle, regardless of obesity levels, might improve blood glucose control Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, July 2011

Chiropractic: Hall of Fame Help. During his playing career, NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback Joe Montana said, “I’ve been seeing a Chiropractor and he’s really been helping me a lot. Chiropractic’s a big part of my game.”

Wellness/Prevention: Blueberries And Cancer. Eating as little as a cup of blueberries every day may help prevent cell damage linked to cancer. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Sept 2011

Quote: “Nature, time and patience are three great physicians.” ~ H.G. Bohn

Active Release: Shin splints. Shin splints is a painful inflammation of the muscles of the shin, usually the Tibialis Anterior or Tibialis Posterior muscles. While the problem is felt in the shins, the source is usually the foot and ankle. When the feet are weak and the ankles are tight, your shin muscles are subjected to additional stress. While Active Release is great for correcting the affected muscles, the foot and ankle must be addressed with rehab exercises. Icing after activity helps too. If you’re dealing with shin splints, call us 303.300.0424