Rejuvenate Your Skin Daily This Easy Way by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, MD

#1 Eat a skin-healthy diet. The skin is often a vehicle for the body to rid itself of toxicity. Whether it’s pesticides, chemicals, food allergens, or something else, your skin is a reflection of your body’s internal environment. Eat fresh, whole foods that aren’t processed or infused with unhealthy additives. Organic fruits and vegetables are great sources of skin-friendly polyphenols, particularly citrus fruits (unjuiced), berries, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, and herbs. Red wine, soy, and green tea also are rich in these polyphenols. Find a good multivitamin with omega-3 DHA supplement and extra lutein to fill nutritional gaps.

#2 Moisturize when needed. Many women (and even men now) believe moisturizer is a must. Some of us slather it on even on the most humid days of summer. Reality: over-moisturizing messages your skin cells not to produce their own moisture. When you do need to apply added moisture (especially during the dry winter months), search for a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. This substance is abundant in our skin when we are young, but decreases as we age or overuse moisturizers. Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, so it makes sense that it can keep the skin smooth and plump. Be sure to avoid products (like shampoos) that contain propylene glycol, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, and parabens.

#3  Get your vitamin C in your diet daily — It helps keep your skin firm (it stimulates collagen production in your skin).

#4 Use creams or serums with vitamin A only at night. A cream or serum with active vitamin

A (such as a form of retinol) can stimulate the production of collagen and encourage your skin

cells to behave like a kid again (that’s good for skin…just no acne this time). It’s important to find vitamin A in its retinoid form so that it can penetrate your skin. Vitamin A on your skin is a great nighttime regimen because it works as your skin rests and restores. In the daytime, vitamin A (like vitamin C) is turned by UV rays into a damaging prooxidant—so use it daytime only if you want to age faster.

#5 Give your pores breathing time. Your skin restores itself while you sleep and absorbs whatever is on it — good or bad. So, be sure to wash your face before bed with a cleanser and toner based on your skin type (making sure that is free of sodium lauryl sulfate and propylene glycol). And, get a good night sleep!

#6 Live skin-healthy. The best times to be in the sun are in the morning, before ten, and in the afternoon, after two. If you are going to be exposed to sun for a long period of time during peak hours, chose a natural sun block free of propylene glycol, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, and parabens. Most importantly, de-stress daily. The stress hormone cortisol increases free radicals and inflammation, affecting your skin and your whole body. For more detail, see information on when to exfoliate and take the skin health quiz at

Now, a quick tip –My Roizen’s Rule for a Younger You –cover your scars with extra sunblock (nonoparticalized zinc oxide is what we recommend) to keep them from looking more prominent.

by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, MD, Content distributed with permission by Denver Chiropractic Center

How one Denver Chiropractor’s son recovered from a broken foot in under a week & why Active Release is great for headaches.

My middle son, Jason, turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. The day after his birthday, he woke up limping. We took him to the pediatrician, and after an xray of his hip and another of his foot, the diagnosis was a broken second metatarsal (those long bones that start just after your toes).

The treatment? Wear a walking boot for 10 days then another x-ray. Well, after 6 days, he declared himself all better and refused to wear the boot. Since he figured out how to work the velcro on it, we pretty much couldn’t stop him. So he ran around without it.

At his re-exam and re-x-ray, the doctor (a pediatric orthopedist) declared him healed.

From limping badly on a broken foot to running around like a maniac in 6 days. 6 days! Oh, to be so young & quick to heal.

For the rest of us, the sooner you can do something about that painful problem, the sooner you can get on your (slightly longer) road to recovery. Anyway, here’s Jason in the boot, preparing for his dream job as a Jedi Knight:

Interesting Image
Health News For You…
Mental Attitude: Fat and Happiness. Humans have an intimate relationship between their emotional state and what they eat. In this study, researchers found the levels of sadness among the subjects who received fatty acids were 50% lower than those who had not. Eating fat appears to be a mood-lifter.Journal of Clinical Investigation, July 2011

Health Alert: Rising Health Costs. The United States spent $2.3 trillionon health care in 2008, more than three times the $714 billion spent in 1990, and over eight times the $253 billion spent in 1980.
Kaiser Family Foundation, March 2010

Diet: Blueberries and Cancer. Blueberries are full of antioxidants, flavonoids and other vitamins that help reduce free radicals in cells. Free radicals can cause cellular damage, one of the factors in the development of cancer. Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, which helps the immune system and helps the body absorb iron. Blueberry juice and other products may be nutritious but often contain less fiber than the whole fruit, and added sugar or corn syrup may decrease their nutritional value. University of Alabama at Birmingham, July 2011

Exercise: Eating Before Swimming? A review of 536 autopsies revealed 79.4% of those who had accidentally drowned had visible stomach contents. It’s suspected there may be a link between eating before swimming and drowning as blood is diverted to the intestine during digestion, possiblycausing circulation problems while the individual is swimming. This may reduce blood flow to the brain, resulting in loss of consciousness and potentially drowning the swimmer. Medicine, Science and the Law, July 2011

Chiropractic: Effective For Whiplash. 26 of 28 patients (93%) with chronic whiplash syndrome improved following chiropractic treatment.According to the authors, before the publication of this article, no conventional treatment was proven to be effective for treating whiplash.Injury, November 1996

Wellness/Prevention: Investing With Prevention. Preventing heart disease before it starts is a good long-term investment in the nation’s health. Every dollar spent on building trails for walking or biking saves $3 in medical costs. Companies that invest in workers’ health with comprehensive worksite wellness programs and healthy work environments have less absenteeism, greater productivity and lower healthcare costs.
American Heart Association, July 2011

Quote: “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”
~ Albert Einstein

Active Release Technique: Headaches Active Release is a great treatment for headaches. By releasing scar tissue that’s putting pressure on the small nerves that go up to the head (occipital nerves) even long-standing headaches can resolve. If you or someone you care about is suffering from headaches, email or call us today!

Denver Chiropractic Center presents: Health news for you, including updates on Low Back Pain and Active Release

Recent Health Research Update. Many of you told me you loved the research updates. So, here you go:

Mental Attitude: Sleep Well. People who sleep 6-9 hours per night had higher self-reported scores for quality of life and lower scores for depression severity when compared to short (<6 hours per night) and long sleepers (>9 hours per night). Researchers were surprised that both sleeping less than 6 hours and more than 9 hours was associated with a similar decrease in quality of life and increase in depressive symptoms. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, August 2011

Health Alert: Depressing Statistics. Depression can affect a person’s ability to work, their ability to form relationships, and it can also destroy their quality of life. 15% of the population from high-incomecountries (compared to 11% for low/middle-income countries) is likely to become depressed at some point in life. Women are twice as likely to suffer depression as men, and the loss of a partner, whether from death, divorce or separation, was a main contributing factor. BMC Medicine, July 2011

Diet: Breastfeed Babies. Babies fed only on breast milk up to the age of 6 months have a lower risk of developing asthma-related symptoms in early childhood. Compared to children who were breastfed for 6 months or more, children who had never received breast milk had an increased risk of wheezing, shortness of breath, dry cough and persistent phlegm in their first 4 years. European Lung Foundation, July 2011

Exercise: Muscle Mass and Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Higher muscle mass, relative to one’s body size, is closely linked to superior insulin sensitivity and a lower risk of developing pre-diabetes or full diabetes type 2. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, July 2011

Chiropractic/Active Release: Cost Effective. A review of treatments endorsed in American Pain Society and American College of Physicians guidelines found spinal manipulation was cost-effective forsubacute and chronic low back painEuropean Spine Journal, January 2011

Wellness/Prevention: Sleep Well Again. Interrupted sleep impairs memory, as a minimum amount ofcontinuous sleep is crucial for memory consolidation. Researchers found memory was unaffected if the average duration of sleep was maintained at 62-73% of normal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 2011

Quote: “When we are well, we all have good advice for those who are ill.” ~ Terrence, 166 BC

Active Release TechniquesDid you know that Active Release Techniques is great for low back pain? The muscles and ligaments of the low back are almost always involved in low back pain. By releasing the scar tissue in these structures, restoring spinal mobility with adjustments, and getting you on a targeted rehab program, we can often get rid he problem in around 8 visits. While I’m not a formal researcher, I have 13 years of clinical experience that tells me that this approach works! If you’re hurting, call us today. 303.300.0424.

Denver Chiropractor turns in his best race performance ever…Xterra Lory Race Report

That’s me on the bike. Xterra Lory went down on August 27, 2011. It was my best race ever. To be clear, I still have a long way to go to become even a mediocre triathlete. But I’m getting better. I started this season weighing 194. I weighed in for this race at 177. I’ve lost 17 pounds since January, all by watching my carbs.

I followed the advice in the book “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson. It was easy. You can get it on amazon.

Anyway, I took the family up to Fort Collins the night before and had a little fun. We got up at 5 AM, rolled out the door at 6, and had me to the race site by 6:30. And that’s when I realized I forgot my bike helmet. Luckily, I ran into a very nice patient who had a friend with an extra helmet. Problem solved. Actually, I ran to at least 5 patients at this race, and that was a lot of fun. I’m honored that I get to participate in these tris with so many top-performing people.

The swim started off in beautiful Horsetooth Reservoir at around 8:30. I actually took time to look around during the swim at all of the cool rock formations out there. I finished the swim (about 900 meters) in 17:12, number 132 out of 266 athletes (men and women, I don’t discriminate).

The bike went well for me, since it was a fast course with some tight turns. I had one good crash when I missed a sharp right (Sandy – you warned me!). Shed a little blood, and kept going. I did the 12 miles in 1:20:38.

Then, I croaked on the run. It was hilly. Uphill for like 2+ miles. It was hot and sunny with no shade ad I just couldn’t run up those damn rocks, so I hiked it. I average 14:14 miles over 4.8 miles. Awful.

But then I finished and Meredith and our boys were waiting for me at the finish. Total time 2:54:40, good for #224 out of 266 finishers, #153 out of 171 guys. I’ll take it.

Denver Chiropractic Center Recent research update

Here are some important recent findings from different areas of health and well being.

Mental Attitude: Money Can’t Buy Happiness. Once a point of being able to meet basic needs is reached, the effect of money on happiness levels off. More money leads to marginal gains (at best) or even less well-being as people worry about “keeping up with the Joneses.” American Psychological Association, July 2011

Health Alert: Medical Bills And Bankruptcy? Most people who are driven into bankruptcy by illness and medical bills actually have coverage, but it’s such inadequate coverage that it doesn’t keep themfrom financial ruin. They face huge premiums, co-payments, deductibles and things that aren’t covered by their insurance. Minnesota News Connection

Diet: Food Labeling. A recently enacted law requires restaurant chains with at least 15 locations to provide calorie data on menus and menu boards. At McDonalds, there was a 5.3% drop in average calories per purchase, and at KFC, a 6.4% drop. British Medical Journal, August 2011

Exercise: Exercise For The Brain. Aerobic exercise and strength training plays a vital role inmaintaining brain and cognitive health throughout life. A review of 111 recent articles suggests aerobic exercise is important for getting a head start during childhood on cognitive abilities. Physical inactivity isassociated with poorer academic performance and results on standard neuropsychological tests, while exercise programs appear to improve memory, attention, and decision-making.

These effects also extend to young and elderly adults, with solid evidence for aerobic training benefiting executive functions, including multi-tasking, planning, and inhibition, and increasing the volume of brain structures important for memory. Journal of Applied Physiology, July 2011

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Patients Most Satisfied. With regards to patient satisfaction, a survey ofmore than 14,000 consumers rated chiropractic #1 among all health care providers. Consumer Reports, May 2009

Wellness/Prevention: Are Vacations Worth the Effort? Each year we save up for them, but do they do us any good? According to Dutch psychologist Jessica de Bloom, holidays help us recharge our batteries and perform at a high level. The Psychologist, August 2011

Quote: “I start where the last man left off.” ~ Thomas A. Edison

Active Release: Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the bottom of the foot. It’s common in runners, but also people who stand a lot and walk a lot. We use Active Release to treat the muscles of the foot, calves, and shins. This often allows restoration of normal mechanics and resolution of pain. While this treatment  approach has been 90% effective at Denver Chiropractic Center, sometimes ref for orthopedic eval is required. If you or someone you know is suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, have them call us 303.300.0424.

Denver Active Release Techniques providers- make sure you get what you pay for!

I just got done treating a new patient who was very angry with another provider.

You see, this person advertises that she is an Active Release provider. So when the patient went to see her, the provider said, “well, I’m not really certified, but I do the same things.”

This particular patient has been seeing ART providers all over the country (she travels a lot for work). She knows Active Release. And she knows that the Denver provider she saw was not a Denver Active Release Techniques provider, regardless of the advertising.

After her bad experience, she called the ART office and asked who are the most credentialed ART providers in town. There are 2 of them, myself, and my good friend Dr. Michelle Clark. In my humble opinion, the two of us are your best options. (We practice separately.)

Regardless, before you make an appointment with someone who advertises that they do Active Release, go to, click on find a provider, and enter that provider’s name in the box. If the provider’s name doesn’t come up, he or she probably isn’t certified (you can also call their toll free number to verify, it’s on the site).

You can also search by zip code. The locator will pull up certified providers. Then look for the little squares which indicate which ART certifications each provider has completed. The ones with the most squares are the ones who have done the most work to improve their ART skills. In this world of internet advertising, anyone can say anything they want. Make sure you get what you’re paying for by doing your homework up front.

Active Release is great, and we hope you find a provider who can help you.

How our Denver Active Release chiropractors treat shin splints.

By Dr. Jeff Stripling, Denver Chiropractic Center

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home: that wildness is a necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.”
– John Muir

After my  run last night, the pain in my lower leg is not feeling too bad.  I am still experiencing ‘tibial stress syndrome’ or shin splints but it is nothing to prevent climbing Mt Quandry tommorrow.  Shin Splints are most often caused by overuse, increasing intensity/duration of training, and activities that require sudden stops and starts.  Shin splints happen when muscle fibers in the muscles that stabalize and move the ankle/foot tear from their periosteal attachment.  After the initial injury, these muscles become fibrotic during the healing phase which can exacerbate the pain with increased activity.

The best thing that can be done for shin splints is Active Release Technique (ART).  ART will break up the fibrotic tissues, scar tissue, and adhesions that limit range of motion and cause pain.  Icing can also be used to relieve pain and inflammation, using a styrofoam cup filled with frozen water, tear off the top edge of cup so the ice is exposed and gripping the covered bottum, massage painful areas for 8-10 minutes.  Rest for 30 min and repeat for another 8-10 min.

Stretching and strengthening are also great ways to decrease the amount of discomfort you feel and to prevent recurring shin splints.  One stretch that I use is  get into a forward lunge position and plantar flex your back foot (so the top side of foot is on the ground), you should feel a stretch on the front side of your lower leg.  Hold for 15 sec and repeat 5 times on each leg.  There are many exercises to do prevent shin splints, one exercise is the 4 way range of motion exercise.  Move your foot/ankle into dorsiflexion (toes pointing up), plantar flexion (toes pointing down), eversion, and inversion.  Complete all 4 movements 10x each on both legs.

To prevent shin splints from overuse, it is a good idea to only increase your milage 10% each week.  This will allow the shin muscles (tibialis anterior, extensor hallicus longus, extensor digitorum longus) to strengthen without creating microtears in the tissue.  Shin splints are not something that you “just have to put up with,”  come in the office and we will get you back to living/training without pain. DONT PUT UP WITH PAIN!

Denver’s most credentialed Active Release Provider & only Denver Active Release instructor, Dr. Glenn Hyman.

It’s hard to believe, but in August, 2000 – 11 years ago – I got my first ART certification. In November, 2000, I went to Toronto to get my second. I remember getting heckled by Canadians over the Bush-Gore election mess.

Now it’s 11 years later, I’m proud that I’m the only Active Release Instructor in Denver (I was invited by Dr. Mike Leahy, the ART founder, to become an instructor in 2002). Tomorrow – August 5 – I’ll be completing the newest Active Release course, Active Palpation Technique. I presently have every credential offered by Active Release except this brand new course. And I’m proud of that.

The truth is that others take a few ART classes, and then loudly advertise that they are ART providers. But that doesn’t mean that they base their practices on Active Release like I do, or like my associate Dr. Jeff Stripling does, or like my friend, colleague and competitor Dr. Michelle Clark does.

Sure, at Denver Chiropractic Center we also use chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy, but it all starts with ART. In fact, today I saw a new patient who was upset with her experience with another Active Release provider in Denver. This person advertises ART, and she went to see him for ART. But when she went, he did X-rays and adjusted her. When she asked for ART, he curtly told her that she didn’t need Active Release.

We don’t do that at our clinic. At Denver Chiropractic Center, we are an Active Release practice, and every patient gets Active Release, every time. If you’re looking for the most credentialed ART doc in Denver, and the only instructor in town, at a clinic that puts Active Release first, give us a call at 303.300.0424.

Report and Photo from Xterra Beaver Creek (get ready to laugh) and how to keep those legs loose and happy.

Well, this past weekend was my third attempt at the Xterra Beaver Creek Triathlon (sport course). Once again, it was a lot of uphill slogging through the dirt trails at Beaver Creek. Yes, the Denver Chiropractic Center Triathlon Team is still going strong.

I haven’t been training as hard as I should be, primarily because I’ve been seeing so many of you in the office. That’s a good thing.

Despite the fact that I’ve dropped 15 pounds this year, lightened up the bike, bought a new wetsuit that seems to float more than the old one, and actually got a decent night of sleep before the race- I still managed to finish 3 minutes slower than last year.

I actually clocked my fastest swim ever, then managed to completely stink up the bike course. It’s that damn 2200 feet of climbing over the first 3 or 4 miles. Crushes me every year. I think it was steeper this year, like the mountains are growing or something. I did get spooked by a deer who launched himself in front of me, so that was exciting. I don’t remember too much about the run. Just uphill and back down again.

Oh well. Here I am shortly after the finish. Yes, this was the best picture we got of me (and we got a lot). Somehow I always manage to look like I just survived a sky diving mishap after these races,

Next up for me are Xterra Indian Peaks August 6 (at Eldora, although I may go to an ART seminar instead, depends on how I do on the bike course pre-ride this Sunday). Xterra Lory August 27, and October 9 – The Bear-It-All Off Road Triathon to benefit Childrens’ Hospital in Bear Creek Lake Park. Should be fun.

Needless to say, I was pretty sore after the race, mostly in my legs. So here are 5 great ways you can keep your legs mobile and happy. Here’s the video:

The best 3 Core Exercises