Denver Chiropractic Center’s weekly health update

“I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”
~ Woody Allen
Mental Attitude: Hot Chocolate May Prevent Memory Decline.
Drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day may keep your brain healthier and prevent memory decline. Researchers found that cocoa with high antioxidant flavanols improved blood flow by about 8% to working parts of the brain in older individuals who consumed two cups of hot chocolate a day for 30 days. Memory and thinking skills also improved during the study period.
Neurology, August 2013

Health Alert: Email Apnea?
Tech consultant Linda Stone coined the term “email apnea” to describe the odd behavior of holding one’s breath while reading emails. This chronic breath holding can cause fatigue and increase tension in the body.
Forbes, July 2013

Diet: Young Children Drinking Sugar-Sweetened Beverages More Likely To Be Obese.
Based on a review of data from 9,600 children ages two to five, researchers found that regular consumers of sugary drinks were 43% more likely to be obese. Researchers concluded that parents should keep young children away from sugary drinks and instead offer water as a step toward decreasing excessive weight gain.
Pediatrics, August 2013

Exercise: Walk To Work To Lower Blood Pressure.
A recent study of 20,000 commuters showed that those who walked to work were 17% less likely to have high blood pressure than those who drove.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, August 2013

Chiropractic: Maintenance Adjustments Benefit Chronic Low Back Pain.
Sixty patients with chronic, low back pain (>6 months) were randomized to receive either 12 treatments of sham adjustments over a one-month period; 12 treatments consisting of spinal adjustments over a one-month period; or 12 treatments over a one-month period, including maintenance spinal adjustments every two weeks for the following nine months. Patients were evaluated by pain and disability scores, generic health status, and back-specific patient satisfaction before, during, and after treatments for ten months. The maintenance group showed greater improvement in pain and disability scores at the 10-month evaluation. In the spinal adjustment group without maintenance treatment, the mean pain and disability scores returned to near their pre-treatment levels by the end of the study.
Spine, August 2011

Wellness/Prevention: Eating Garlic May Lower Risk of Lung Cancer.
According to researchers, eating raw garlic twice a week can decrease the risk of developing lung cancer by 44%. Data from individuals with lung cancer, as well as healthy subjects, was compiled through face-to-face interviews regarding information on diet and lifestyle habits, including how often they ate garlic. The study authors write, “Protective association between intake of raw garlic and lung cancer has been observed with a dose-response pattern, suggesting that garlic may potentially serve as a chemo-preventive agent for lung cancer.”
Cancer Prevention Research, May 2013

Our Denver Chiropractors are now in network with Cigna and Greatwest.

We are happy to announce that we have added Cigna to the long list of insurures with whom we are in-network. After years of patients sending letters asking that Cigna add us to the network, they listened. For those of you with Cigna policies, we will need to verfiy your coverage the next time you’re in the office. We are also now in-network with Great West.
Here are the other major insurers for whom we are in-network providers:
Anthem / Blue Cross
United Healthcare
Federal Employee Benefits Program
Kaiser PPO
Mail Handlers Benefits Program
MedPay for auto injuries and ALL auto insurance policies
Workers’ Compensation (Level 1 Accredited)

Why pay more for out-of-network providers? We do all the paperwork and file insurance claims on your behalf! We will continue to do all that we can to better serve our patients now and in the future in this changing health care world.

Weekly Health Update
Week of: Monday, August 19, 2013

“Healing is a matter of time,
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
~ Hippocrates

Mental Attitude: Optimism and Stress.
A six-year study of 135 older adults (>60 years old) found that pessimistic people have a higher baseline level of stress and have a more difficult time handling stress than their more optimistic peers.
Health Psychology, May 2013

Health Alert: Decrease Your Heart Disease Risk. A 16-year study of nearly 27,000 male health care professionals found that those who skipped breakfast were 27% more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.
Circulation, May 2013

Diet: Eat More Nuts To Decrease Risk Of Death From Cancer & Cardiovascular Disease.
Individuals who eat more than three servings of nuts a week had a 55% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 40% reduced risk of death from cancer. (But, of course, if you’re allergic like my son is, stay away from nuts.)
BMC Medicine, July 2013

Exercise: Moderate-Intensity Walking Timed Correctly May Help Protect Against Diabetes.
A moderate paced fifteen minute walk after each meal appears to help older individuals regulate their blood sugar levels and could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Care, June 2013

Chiropractic: Chronic Pain in the Neck Relieved With Chiropractic. Patients with chronic neck pain showed significant improvements in pain levels following spinal manipulation and showed positive changes up to 12 weeks post-treatment.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, March 2007

Wellness/Prevention: Retire Later In Life To Lower Dementia Risk. A very large study of self-employed people living in France found that individuals who retired at a later age had a lower risk of developing dementia. The study appears to confirm other research that suggests lifelong mental activity and challenge may protect against several forms of dementia.
International Longevity Center-France, July 2013

Video link- How to foam-roll your hips.

Clinic newsletters now on the Denver Chiropractic Center site!

For those of you (and there are many) who’ve asked for copies of the paper and ink newsletters, we’ve decided to post the pdf files on the site.

The January issue is up, and February is coming soon.

Inside the January 2010 issue:

My New Year’s Resolution – to take time off!

Strengthening your feet with bodyweight exercises.

Mastering the Pushup for strength

The Top 10 problems that I treat in my office

Insurance we accpet / office hours